Survivor Feedback
You can picture the concept of Survivor as taking a harsh stance. Similar to the theory of evolution, Survival of the Fittest becomes a mantra. We remove our weak link so that the company can survive.
Or, you can picture the concept of Survivor as motivation to help your company become efficient and competitive. Not for the purpose of filling the pockets of a few, but for the satisfaction of a job well done.
I really like this quote from Henry Ford; “If you think you can or think you cannot, you are correct.”
Let me leave you with this final thought. Do what you have to do today, so that when you head for home you have the
satisfaction of a job well done.
Serban Writes:
Hi Ben,
How can someone recommend such a corp-aganda ( no, that’s not a word!) to technical specialists, mostly employees? At very least you show a bad taste and the contents of the article in cynical, untrue, humiliating and shameless! But it reflects perfectly the opinion of most executives regarding their slave employees nowadays.
Perhaps next time you will read a few comments on the article before recommending it as "excellent"!
Sincerely disappointed,
PS: I was wondering what an innovation consultancy may possibly be?
Looks like the smart guys “explaining” you how to become a millionaire, by first paying them for advice.
Timmothy Writes:
Thanks for the great tips and articles!
This is definitely enough on this topic…but you may feel free to send your comments to, and I will include them in future newsletters.
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