SQL Saturday Pre-Conferences (Dec. 8, 2011)
SQL Saturday #104 Colorado Springs – Pre-Conference Seminar Opportunity
With SolidQ and Confio Software, SSWUG.ORG is proud to partner on sponsoring three pre-conference seminars at the upcoming SQL Saturday #104 in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Enjoy your SQL Server educational options with Glenn Berry’s "Scaling SQL Server," Erik Veerman’s "Data Warehouse Dimensional Design and Architecture Planning," and Chris Shaw and TJay Belt’s "What’s in your Utility Belt?" seminars.
To sign up for the in-person conference sessions, visit http://www.sqlsaturday.com/104/eventhome.aspx
Featured White Paper(s)
Written by Stratus Technologies
Michael Otey, Technical Editor, SQL Server M… (read more)
Featured Script
Create a DB Size Trending report
This proc will take the data from TblSizes and create a new table with database sizes and date… (read more)
Protecting Your Database
When it comes to protecting your database assets there are lots of things to consider. We think about things like who can connect to your database, protecting data by using different schemas, etc.
Those kinds of techniques are much easier to mange when the database is stored in a centralized server where managers have greater control. What do you do when data becomes more distributed? Today many systems have more than one database allowing data to be captured when not connected to centralized servers, and synchronized at a later time.
Mobile devices contain data stores for this kind of system. How do you protect those database assets? I’m thinking of the sales person who carries their CRM information in a local SQL Server database on their laptop. Their data is synchronized with the company CRM storage from time to time as they are able to connect. One day, while they are in a coffee shop, their laptop is stolen. Now what? How do you protect your data now?
Is it enough to use disk encryption requiring a user to provide a key to unlock access to the hard disk before the machine will fully boot? Remember, TDE (Microsoft Transparent Data Encryption for SQL Server) only works in the Enterprise+ level products…your SQL Express version won’t be encrypted. Besides, the database will already mount and access though any applications will already work.
Do you have best practices you would like to share for protecting your traveling data? Let’s hear your thoughts. Send you comments to btaylor@sswug.org.