New In-Person Training Announcement for Denver, CO!
We’re partnering with SolidQ to bring you a four-day, in-person class with hands-on labs. The class will be held March 06 through March 09 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Denver, Colorado on SQL Server Integration Services 2008 (SSIS) and applying its enterprise functionality to data warehouse ETL systems.
Chris Randall, course instructor and SolidQ USA mentor, will focus on the design, development, deployment and operation of SSIS solutions. Full SSWUG.ORG members can receive a significant discount! Get more information at the site.
Get more information here.
Cloud Questions
We have a number of thoughts from our readers regarding questions about the Cloud.
These definitions were really helpful for people like me who have been hearing about "Cloud" since couple of years, but really does not have much idea. Because of so many different articles available that you do not know where to start. I have started attending some local meetups where I mostly listen and try to absorb the information. In our company we are not using virtualization yet (plan to implement in 2012), therefore adoption of cloud is little bit further away.
At the end of your "Cloud Confusion" posting, you mentioned that a "Private Cloud" is usually based on PaaS. Could you provide some examples because I’ve never seen that.
Generally, I see "Private Cloud" referring to something like Eucalyptus, which is basically private IaaS, while "Software Appliances" like Google’s Enterprise Search are private SaaS.
As far as I knew, the biggest disadvantage of PaaS was specifically that you couldn’t run your code privately on neither Microsoft’s Azure nor Google’s AppEngine platforms. (That it is basically an example of vendor lock-in most developers are smart enough to stay away from.)
David, there are a few products such as Appistry providing PaaS which may be run in a private cloud (your own hardware), or even on IaaS. Obviously using the term “Usually” was overkill in anything having to do with the Cloud. There is no “Usual” as the Cloud changes from day to day.
Ben – While many businesses are rushing headlong into the cloud, there are legal implications of cloud storage of which businesses should be aware: The main concern is over the jurisdiction/s in which uploaded data resides. For example in the EU it is illegal to send certain personal data outside of the European Economic Area and a few other jurisdictions deemed to have sufficient safeguards on personal data. Trusted third party jurisdictions include Canada, Switzerland and Israel, but surprisingly, the United States is not one of the trusted jurisdictions, so choosing a cloud provider that does not restrict the storage of your data to within the EU or a trusted jurisdiction would be a big mistake for European businesses.
For a company that has data-centers spanning trusted and un-trusted boundaries, it would be prudent to seek written assurance that data would not be copied or replicated beyond trusted jurisdictions.
I should imagine that similar data protection legislation exists for other jurisdictions or is likely to in the foreseeable future, so even if your business is not in the EU, you should pay attention to legal developments affecting cloud computing in the jurisdiction/s in which you do business.
Ian. You have a very valid point regarding legal constraints. I have an United States based client who wishes to be PCI compliant. Therefore, the client may be restricted to data centers located in the United States for deployment. This definitely must be taken into account when considering any Cloud platform.
If you have input for this Cloud discussion please send it to
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