
Log Shipping and Other Questions

SSWUGtv – Security is More than…
With Stephen Wynkoop
In the modern computer environment we ask the question, "What is Security?" Is it simply passwords and Access Controls? Does it include encrypted data? Check out this edition of SSWUGtv as Steven considers what modern security encompasses.
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Log Shipping and Other Questions
Today I received a number of different questions about things SQL Server. So, I’ll do my best to provide direction. As always, please send your comments if you have more definitive knowledge.

Mike writes:
Ben, first of all thanks for the great article on log shipping. While I am a member of SSWUG it has been some time since I did significant DBA duties. We have an ongoing dialog open with a client whereby they want to bring up a 2nd instance of sql server 2008R2 to use predominantly as a reporting server (for a CRM 2011 database).

They seem to be under the impression that log shipping would be a viable method of keeping the 2nd instance current with the first but my DBA disagrees. Wondering if you had any quick thoughts on the dialog (a quick search of the web leads me to “don’t do it” but not any really good arguments for why that I could find)?

I do not have a definite answer to this question without testing my understanding somewhat. Rather than misguide you I’ll post your question today for others to comment. In the meantime, I’ll follow up on my understanding as well.

You may look into the use of a snapshot as part of the solution. The Enterprise and higher versions of SQL Server allow for taking a snapshot of a database mirror in order to make it usable in a read only mode, which probably would work for your client. I don’t know how this works in a log shipping environment. There are some reasons it may not work which I need to research. We’ll see what others have to say in the meantime.

What happens when I execute TRUNCATE TABLE?

Truncate table is a form of a delete command. The Syntax is TRUNCATE TABLE [TableName]. All rows in the table replacing [TableName] are deleted, and if there is an Identity column, the seed is set back to the original starting value. Because there is no Where clause in the Truncate Table command, all rows in the table are always deleted.

When executing Truncate Table SQL Server uses the minimum amount of logging possible. This allows the command to run quickly in some cases.

Truncate Table cannot be used on tables where the data is the parent of declarative referential integrity. In other words, if a key value in the table is used as a declared foreign key in another table, the Truncate Table command is not allowed, and an error message is returned instead of deleting the data.

Get into the conversation by writing btaylor@sswug.org.




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With Stephen Wynkoop
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