Twitter, Big Data, Information Ownership… Have You Considered?
I was reading this article about "Who owns that twitter account" – while it’s not old news, it is something you’ve probably seen as companies grapple with social media, transparency and media-active teams.
But then, as I was mulling over that article, I tripped over another article headline, completely unrelated, talking about social media feeds and integrating them into your big data solution…it really got me thinking. If you think it’s cloudy who owns a social media post made by an employee at your company while on company time – what happens when your big data solution is pulling in tweets, Facebook posts, LinkedIn messages and so-on – and incorporating them in company intelligence?
I really hadn’t ever considered the implications.
As you pull different data sources together, you’re going to be facing a number of things that can impact your use of that information, your storage of that information and possibly your requirement to retain that information. Remember, compliance, regulations and discovery requirements can impact data retention, but you might not be able to retain/own that data… or can you?
Privacy, compliance and other policies can differ across data sources – I’m not sure what the requirements are to honor those policies (it’s posted publicly after all, so do their policies apply??) but it may impact your requirements.
There are incredible insights to be gained by a more comprehensive look at your public side, especially when combined with your company data. I just wonder if it’s more intricate than at least I, and possibly others, had considered.
What do you think? Let me know…