
Application State

Application State
How important is application state in a modern software application? As we continue to move toward different kinds of computing the importance of state continues to increase. We use state frequently, while probably taking it for granted.

For example, when I press the talk button on my cell phone, it shows me the last person I had a conversation with. I can scroll through the list of calls I made or received. Different phones use different user actions…but they all have something in common…state.

With the growing number of ways to manage state the possibilities are vast. Today I’d like to see if we can raise a discussion about state by asking a few questions. Feel free to add your own questions as you consider them to be important.

  • When should state be introduced into an application development cycle?
  • Are there state platforms or frameworks you prefer?
  • Based on the different state technologies, what are the questions one needs to ask when evaluating them?
  • Are there issues with state that are important when writing an app for multiple target hosts such as tablets, phones, pcs, Apple, Microsoft, Android, etc.?

Leave your response below or drop an Email to btaylor@sswug.org.




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