
Keeping Current

I can’t keep up. At least it seems like things are moving so quickly that I am not able to become an expert at anything. That’s just the way it feels, anyway.

I remember starting with ASP.Net web sites. Then we moved to ASP.Net web applications, MVVM, MVC and now we have MVVC. We were doing SOAP, then we converted to WCF and now Web Applications running as a service or on top of IIS. Then we had ADO.Net followed by Strongly Typed DataSets, Linq to SQL, and now Entity Framework.

The .Net libraries are changing at a rapid pace in order to add functionality required by new devices and the limitations of the hardware or software, or to take advantages of the expansion of hardware capabilities. Some things become harder. Some things are made easier. But, there is always change.

Get out of the Microsoft stack and the issues don’t shrink much. Are you using basic JavaScript, Knockout JS, AngularJS, or some other JavaScript variant? You may have even rolled your own library simplifying JavaScript.

Fluent libraries are growing as well providing some generic objects that may use drivers to work with different products through injection.

It feels like I nearly have a full time job just to try and keep current with technologies. And that is the point…how do you keep up efficiently? How do you identify the next tool to learn? How do you become proficient in order to determine if a tool change is warranted? Do you feel like you are keeping up, slipping behind, or rapidly becoming obsolete?

Add your thoughts; get into the conversation. Or send an Email to btaylor@sswug.org if you prefer.

