
Cloud Price, Performance and Planning

What is your impression of the re-structuring of rates and services from the big cloud vendors? Sure, they are competing for market share by reducing costs. But, at the same time, they seem to also reducing the performance to match the pricing.

In order to maintain the same level of service you may now have to upgrade to a higher service agreement, at a higher cost to get the same performance as you had before. So, are we really getting less expensive service? Or are they instead providing lower entry level costs for those companies not requiring the higher performance characteristics?

I guess if you look at it that way, what you are doing is upgrading to a higher service level and maintaining more predictable performance for a similar cost to what you paid originally.

How do you budget for a moving target as the cloud services? Do you purchase for a longer contract time to remain consistent? What should be your expectations when moving your services to the cloud in terms of performance and price, and for how long?

Share your approach to cloud resource purchases. You may leave comments here, or drop an email to btaylor@sswug.org.

