
Does Internet Fragmentation Bother Your Business?

Some predict the internet is fragmenting. It was not designed with the level of security in mind that we have come to require. Moreover, governments and organizations have broken into data assets not intended for their purposes under many guises of legality. Irrespective of the legality, individuals are not willing for their personal information to be monitored.

The fragmentation is already happening on a global scale. Some countries are finding other less open frameworks due to the spying performed by organizations like the United States NSA.

What will be the impact to our world as the internet fragments into smaller networks? How will it impact commerce, news, communications, and so many other capabilities we have come to appreciate on an open internet?

Will this impact you directly? How about your business? How about make phone calls over the internet?

How about your international commerce site? How about your international business communications, etc?

Share your thoughts. What is going to replace the internet? Are you concerned? Are we so self sufficient it doesn’t matter what is going on outside of our individual countries? Leave your response here or send an email to btaylor@sswug.org.

Further reading:






