
Skill Enhancement Goals

This last year I focused on perfecting Web API skills in the Dot Net framework. I chose Web API because of its ability to create a RESTful service interface accessible from many different consumer platforms, languages, and operating systems.

Microsoft uses the Model and Controller portions of their MVC implementation to easily implement a RESTful service, which may be self-hosted as a Windows Service, or hosted as an IIS (Internet Information Services) web site. From that point forward, the client interfaces are not required to utilize Microsoft tools.

Data is communicated to the client through JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) encapsulated objects ,similar to XML but with less bloat. Method calls are communicated through natural HTTP verbs, and Web API handles routing the verb to the correct method in the correct controller.

This year I am focusing more on the user experience by expanding my understanding and skills consuming the RESTful services. I’m anticipating at least four different projects.

  1. A traditional MVC Razor project resulting in a traditional looking web site. This implementation adds views to the application which produce HTML for a browser to render. It translates the Model data returned by a Controller into HTML through the definitions found in a View known by the Controller.
  2. An AJAX rendering using traditional MVC. This method uses JavaScript, or another JavaScript helper library, to get the HTML from an MVC call, and modifies the DOM (document object) according to the need of the client software.
  3. An AJAX method that obtains JSON data from a RESTful call, and modifies the DOM using JavaScript or a JavaScript library.
  4. An application using a native language on a smart phone or tablet that makes calls to a RESTful service to obtain Model data in JSON form, and renders the data using native code.

The purpose is to understand how to expand the potential client consumer base of my application logic and data through RESTful services.

Web API services aren’t new to the industry. But if you’re interested in reading more, there is a nice EZine providing a lot of background on Web API from people who lived it early on, and continue to develop implementation strategies.

Do you have specific goals for skills you plan to develop this year? Why not share your ideas of important skills to acquire by leaving a comment here, or sending an Email to btaylor@sswug.org.

