

Déjà vu. I recently read an editorial titled, “7 reasons why frameworks are the new programming languages.” The crux of the article is that the majority of web applications may be developed by simply providing pipes between frameworks. We do little coding anymore. We simply plug things together, by defining the pipes of communication.

I’m finding this prediction hard to believe. Perhaps that’s based on the fact that this promise has been made over and over again for decades. We move into 3GL, 4GL and higher languages, all promising an easy way to develop where we don’t need to see the code anymore. They all work until you start to put together anything more than a basic application.

In the early ‘90s it was said that we wouldn’t be writing code anymore. We would simply be using stock objects, and simply plugging them together. Industries, companies and vendors would be defining all the objects we would ever need. We would purchase object libraries, and provide the pipes or scaffolding to piece them together.

Sounding familiar?

That being said, I use a lot of frameworks. The can get you a long way very fast when implementing an application. However, I am not shy, either, afraid of leaving a framework when my application exposes a requirement that is out of reach of the framework, or too complicated to implement.

How close are we to being able to stand up an application with little architecture? Get into the conversation. Share your thoughts.

