
When All Else Fails – Start Early

For today I just want to share a little personal experience. I’ve been writing in my editorials small segments of a presentation I made live, last night at the FoxPass users group in N/E Wisconsin. It’s a good thing too.

I had the presentation completed with slides, database, demonstration queries and everything locked and loaded, ready to go.

My cat jumps on the table and spills water on the keyboard for my laptop. The keyboard shorts out, and the computer dies immediately. All work not saved is lost, etc. At least it wasn’t the majority of the work completed.

The previous weekend my kids come back from camp. They have contracted what the camp nurse diagnosed as a virus. It was a rather nasty one, that hit me Monday night. I have a laptop to revive, and a presentation to complete, and am unable to stand for longer than the time it takes to go to the restroom.

Still, despite all the hurdles, the early preparation and understanding of the topic allowed me to make a reasonable presentation. It certainly wasn’t my best. But, the content was clear and helpful.

What’s my point? I don’t have one, unless it may be, “don’t wait to the last minute.” I’m glad I didn’t wait until the last minute in this case.

