Class Info

Online Course: Mastering SQL Azure

Get Full Access for Only $49.00  

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When SQL Azure first came on the scene there was a huge misconception that it was just another NoSQL type of database. Scott Klein, an Microsoft SQL Azure MVP, will provide you with an introductory look at the overall architecture of SQL Azure and many of the great features and benefits that SQL Azure provides. With sessions on Administration, Data Sync Services, and Application Connectivity, you’ll be sure to appreciate this great, comprehensive look at SQL Azure.

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Module 1 – SQL Azure Overview – An introductory look at SQL Azure and its associated services and features.

Module 2 – Administration – Administering and maintaining your SQL Azure environment through the many available tools

Module 3 – Design and Development Considerations – Patterns and practices for SQL Azure environment

Module 4 – Security  – SQL Azure Security from both a platform perspective as well as an application perspective.

Module 5 – Migration – Getting your on-premise database into SQL Azure via the many available tools and utilities

Module 6 – Reporting – A detailed look at SQL Azure Reporting Services

Module 7 – Data Sync Services – Data replication made easy. A detailed look at using the Sync Framework based Sync Services to easily sync data.

Module 8 – Sharding and Federations – Database scalability at its best; looking at the different partitioning and scalability methods and how Federations provides elastic scale

Module 9 – Application Connectivity – Best practices and guidelines for connecting to SQL Azure

Module 10 – Backup and Restore Strategies – A detailed look at the different options, tools, and utilities for providing backup and restore capabilities for your SQL Azure databases.

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ScottK-webScott Klein a Microsoft SQL Azure MVP, is co-founder of Blue Syntax Consulting, an Azure training, services and consulting company.

Scott has been working with SQL Server for nearly 20 years, working with companies large and small all over the United States in a wide scope of fields such as medical, finance, and retail.

Scott is also a veteran author, having written a number of books including Professional SQL Server XML, Professional LINQ, Pro ADO.NET Entity Framework 4.0, and the recently released Pro SQL Azure.

Scott is President of the South Florida SQL Server Users Group and the newly formed SQL Azure PASS Virtual Chapter. He speaks frequently at SQL Saturday events and user groups, including several in Europe.
