(Tim Smith) File encoding can cause problems if applications expect or read files encoded in one format and receive a different format and break on an unrecognized character.
Tag: sql server
Q&A Buttons And Power BI Service Live Connections
(Chris Webb) A quick Q&A-related tip. If you create a report in Power BI Desktop and use a Power BI service live connection:
(Pinal Dave) Today, I have interesting experience while working with a client on Comprehensive Database Performance Health Check. I was working with Sr. DBA on optimizing their SQL Server.
Azure SQL Elastic Jobs
(blobeater) The purpose of an Elastic Job is to execute a T-SQL script that is scheduled or executed ad-hoc against a group of Azure SQL databases.
How to check the SQL sa Login is disabled
(Jack Vamvas) Often organisations have a SQL server security policy dictating the ‘sa’ login is disabled.
The Constant and Constantly Changing Role of the DBA
(Grant Fritchey) I’ve been working in and around data for over 30 years now. My title has changed a number of times and is poised to change again.
What does the User Mapping tab of Login Properties really tell us.
(Kenneth Fisher) In case it’s not clear, we are talking about the Login Properties GUI in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
SQL Server Table Variable Example
(Rick Dobson) A table variable is a local variable that has some similarities to temp tables. Table variables are created via a declaration statement like other local variables. Like other local variables, a table variable name begins with an @ sign. However, its declaration statement has a type
Three Standard SQL Unit Tests you can write against any Stored Procedure
(Haroon Ashraf) This article talks about the three standard SQL unit tests which can be written against any stored procedure ultimately becoming SQL unit testing object to meet internal or external business specification.
Job History – Back to Basics
(Jason Brimhall) How necessary is that SQL Server Agent job that you have running on the server? I ask that question of my clients on a routine basis.