(Rick Dobson) Please present some process and code for collecting time series data from the internet for insertion into SQL Server. Also, reveal how to add new time series data from the internet to an existing set of time series data in SQL Server.
Tag: sql server
SQL Server Docker and Container cheatsheet
(Jack Vamvas) I’ve started working with Docker platform and managing SQL Server Containers.
SQL Plan Warnings
(Thomas LaRock) There are many methods available for optimizing the performance of SQL Server. One method in particular is examining your plan cache, looking for query plan warnings.
SQL SERVER – Unable to Allocate Enough Memory to Start ‘SQL OS Boot’. Reduce Non-essential Memory Load or Increase System Memory
(Pinal Dave) One of my clients, contacted me to fix one of the errors which they received while starting SQL Service. In this blog, I would share my learning about error “Unable to allocate enough memory to start ‘SQL OS Boot’.
SQL Server Agent for Azure SQL DB?
(blobeater) I always wanted a way to schedule commands within Azure SQL Database. Personally, for me, the go to standard is the functionality of SQL Server Agent.
Building SQL Server Indexes in Ascending vs Descending Order
(Greg Robidoux) When building indexes, often the default options are used to create an index which creates the index in ascending order. This is usually the most logical way of creating an index, so the newest data or smallest value is at the top and the oldest or biggest value is at the end.
Adding Your Own Messages To Power Query Query Diagnostics
(Chris Webb) A quick point: while the Power Query Query Diagnostics functionality is relatively new, it’s based on Power BI/Power Query trace logging that has been around for a while. I’ve just realised that this means you can use the Diagnostics.Trace M function that I blogged about back in 2016 to
SQL SERVER – Always On Error: This Database is Encrypted by Database Master Key, You Need to Provide Valid Password When Adding it to the Availability Group
(Pinal Dave) As a part of my work, I also provide consultancy to fix the issues. It has three advantages, first one is that I earn money and the second one, more important one, is that I get to troubleshoot and learn, and the third one is I share it further via my blog.
Extended Events: Database Auditing
(Grant Fritchey) Extended Events can do things that simply are not possible with Profiler and another example comes from the stack of audit events that exist only in Extended Events. One of these is a set of expanded events for database auditing.
Power BI Security
(James Serra) A common topic I have been discussing recently with customers is the security around Power BI. Basically, how to prevent users seeing data they shouldn’t. So I’ll discuss the various “layers” of security.