This article discusses three common ways to return data from stored procedures: OUTPUTing variables, temp tables and the RETURN statement.
Tag: sql server
HOWTO: Retrieve XML Data by Using a SQL XML Query in an ASP Client
When you run an ADODB command stream and specify SQL SELECT with the FOR XML AUTO clause, an XML document stream is fetched from SQL Server, sent to the response object, and piped to the client.
Data Quality Software – FREE Trial Version
If accurate, usable information is important to you – and to your business – get the FREE trial version of the award-winning dfPower Studio software.
Adding Records with SQL in ASP+
by Sean Vaccariello – In Part 1 of my series I will show you how to add records to a SQL database in ASP+. I will assume that you have or have access to SQL Server 7/2000, and know how to make databases, tables, and columns.
Why You Need the Microsoft Technology Week Conference in a Box
By Brian Moran – Several weeks ago, I encouraged you to check out the Microsoft Technology Week Conference in a Box DVD-ROM. Microsoft advertised that this resource was available for purchase by anyone holding an active Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) certification. Unfortunately, by the time
Using Application Roles
SQL Server contains two kinds of roles: standard roles and applicaton roles. Standard roles function like groups. For standard roles, users are assigned to the roles and then permissions are granted to those roles. Both types of roles can be created using the Enterprise Manager.
Me Too.NET
Editorial by Michael Otey – As the saying goes, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Microsoft must be blushing a lot these days. No sooner did Oracle and Sun Microsystems finish lambasting Microsoft's new .NET Framework than each company launched its own Internet application platform—ea
The Universal Thread reporting team has released the official coverage of the FoxTeach/SQLTeach conference which was being held in Toronto, ON this weekend. The conference focused on Visual FoxPro and SQL Server. Top topics at the conference were about the Microsoft .NET framework, the upcoming
Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000
"Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000" by Itzik Ben-Gan (SQL Server MVP) and Tom Moreau Ph.D, published by Apress. Don't let the SQL Server 2000 in the title fool you. There is plenty of information that applies to both SQL Server 6.5 and SQL Server 7.0 in this book. Here is an e
Beginning SQL Server 2000 for Visual Basic Developers
This manuscript is an abridged version of a chapter from the Wrox Press book Beginning SQL Server 2000 for Visual Basic Developers. This chapter explores new XML features in SQL Server 2000 and takes a look at how you can exploit them to your benefit. We will also take a look at how we can use XSL (