The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises one of the fundamental building blocks of modern database architecture. SQL defines the methods used to create and manipulate relational databases on all major platforms. At first glance, the language may seem intimidating and complex but it's real
Tag: sql server
Professional SQL Server 7.0 Development Using SQL-DMO, SQL-NS, and DTS
The book goes into a lot of detail about how SQL Server 7.0 works under the covers and how you go about using those features within your applications. Most of the book uses Visual Basic and VBScript samples, but there is a chapter for C++ programmers at the end.
Improving Performance with SQL Server 2000 Indexed Views
This document describes the new indexed views capability of SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition. Indexed views are explained and specific scenarios in which they may provide performance improvements are discussed.
Understanding and Calculating Dates
By Joe Lax – SQL Server provides many sophisticated functions to calculate dates. But knowing how to use them can often be a challenge. Suppose you want to calculate when a package is due to arrive based on the shipping date and the type of shipping chosen. Because many shipment types don't incl
Introduction to SQL
A free course of study at Free-Ed.Net. This is a complete course of study for SQL (sequential query language). Typical completion time for the course is about 12 weeks.
ASP SQL Server Query Analyzer
This SQL Server Query Analyzer is intended to be the front page of next generation of Buildapp, which I hope to develop if time permits. As with the original Buildapp, everything is as automatic as possible, with as much useful information for developing your queries only a click or two away.
Take the Pain OUT of Distributed Java
By Asif Habibullah and Jimmy Xu – Distributed database apps causing you headaches? Learn how, by incorporating servlets and a SQL server, you can save yourself the hassle.
Aggregate Functions in SQL
Fortunately, SQL provides aggregate functions to assist with the summarization of large volumes of data. In this three-segment article, we'll look at functions that allow us to add and average data, count records meeting specific criteria and find the largest and smallest values in a table.
Updating records in the Database with Java Servlets
This article is next in the series of articles about selecting, inserting, updating and deleting records from the database using JDBC. In this article we will learn how to update records in the database. If you have followed my earlier article about 'Inserting records in the Database' then t
Documenting application performance
Performance. It's on everyone's mind. Databases get larger, support more users, serve up greater volumes of data, and are central to the competitiveness of every company. With databases being so important, it would be nice if all parties involved – DBAs, developers, and 3rd party vendors