SQL Server 2000 Windows® CE Edition (SQL Server CE) is the compact database for rapidly developing applications that extend enterprise data management capabilities to devices. This product guide outlines the design goals and new features for SQL Server CE and explains how the product extends the fro
Tag: sql server
SQL Server 7.0 Installation Procedures
By Michael D. Reilly – Before you install Microsoft SQL Server 7.0, you should already have installed Windows 2000 Server, Win2K Advanced Server, or Windows NT Server 4.0 with Service Pack 4 (SP4) or later, as well as Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) 4.0 SP1 or later. If you're installing SQL Se
Autoconfigure SQL Server Logging to Eliminate Manual Updates
by Mark Solomon – Many SQL database administrators (DBA) have been known to change configuration settings of their SQL Servers before they really have adequate information to do so. However, Microsoft SQL Server will often allow you to make ill-suited changes, so you should create a baseline for com
Fastest way of Database Access : Caching Records in Memory
In this step by step tutorial I will guide you to build the fastest method to display records from the database using plain ASP. The technique we are going to use is based on a simple fact that you don't have to hit database every time you want to display records.
Installing SQL Server
By Michael D. Reilly – If you're a Windows 2000 or Windows NT 4.0 systems administrator who has been assigned the task of managing a Microsoft SQL Server system, you might be concerned about how you're going to carry out your new responsibilities. Fortunately, administering SQL Server 2000 a
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Course
This 5 day course is packed full of information about SQL Server 2000. The class integrates 3 different levels into one class to give you a wide exposure to the many different components of Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
SQL Server Database Coding Conventions, Best Practices, and Programming Guidelines
by Vyas Kondreddi – For a better performing database you need a real DBA and a specialist database programmer, let it be for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Sybase, DB2 or whatever! If you don't use database specialists during your development cycle, databases often end up becoming the performance
Case-Sensitive Comparisons
How can I program a case-sensitive comparison of a user-typed password on a case-insensitive SQL Server 7.0 instance?
Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Each chapter has a 2 minute drill which some people may find useful for a last chance review before sitting the exam. Each chapter also has multiple choice questions to test your understanding of the chapter, as found in most study guides.
“Best of Both Worlds” – Pervasive.SQL 2000i for DataFlex® Released!
Pervasive.SQL for DataFlex is a combination of the DataFlex Connectivity Kit for Pervasive.SQL from Data Access Worldwide and Pervasive.SQL from Pervasive Software.