Tag: sql server


Generate Dynamic SQL Statements

By Brian Kotek – One of the most immediate and powerful benefits of using ColdFusion is that you can use variables in your Web pages. You reference ColdFusion variables using the format #VariableScope.Variable.Name#. Although a scope is not required for many variables, it is highly recommended so th


OmniAudit 1.0 Beta Released

OmniAudit allows you to automatically and transparently track changes to any column of any table in your Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 or 2000 databases. Not only capture before and after values for each changed column, but also identify the user making the change, the date and time th


Tune Up SQL Server Performance

by Mary V. Hooke – In this article, I'll discuss some of the things you can do to improve your SQL Server database's performance. I'll focus on SQL Server 2000's ability to create indexes on views, as well as how to configure your indexes properly using the Index Tuning Wizard (ITW).


WebApp Server Product Suite

Designed to simplify the Web application building process, WebApp Studio is equipped with easy-to-use Internet development tools and wizards that automatically generate HTML, WML, and server side scripts. WebApp Server utilizes n-tier architecture and makes creating applications that run in Web brow