Ever wonder what a DBA does? Ever had someone ask you what your job entails? Here’s an overview of what a DBA does. Reader feedback will be used to update this article over time.
Tag: sql server
The Practical SQL Handbook
If you are like most visitors to this website, you have a strong interest in SQL Server, and most likely, Transact-SQL. As you probably know, Transact-SQL is a superset of the ANSI SQL standard. Code written in ANSI SQL will run under SQL Server, and on any relational database that also supports ANS
Fundamentals of SQL Server 2000 Architecture
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 is a family of products that meet the data storage requirements of the largest data processing systems and commercial Web sites, yet at the same time can provide easy-to-use data storage services to an individual or small business. The data storage needs of a moder
SQL Insider Freeware Software to Become Openware
Robert Vallee has announced that he will release the source code to SQL Insider early to September 15th. On that date, members will be able to download the source code and make modifications to the program.
ALS Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 System Administration
Developed for academic courses, MICROSOFT® SQL SERVER™ 2000 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION helps students build the skills they need on the job and for MCP Exam 70-228—an elective on the Windows® 2000 MCSE track. The textbook delivers Microsoft courseware adaptable for either a full 16-week semester or a 6-w
BMC Software Providing Free Database Solutions
BMC Software will be providing customers with free database solutions, beginning with its Web-based interactive database management solution, Web DBA Free and its SQL development tool, SQL-Programmer Free. This is the first time that BMC Software has offered solutions for free. BMC Sof
Replication Architecture
Replication is a set of technologies that allows you to keep copies of the same data on multiple sites, sometimes covering hundreds of sites. Replication uses a publish-subscribe model for distributing data:
Microsoft Releases XQuery Demo on Web
By CAROL SLIWA – A developer who might need to extract only the names and addresses from a large collection of XML-based customer files filled with hundreds of fields of data can now find a demonstration model on the Web to facilitate that effort. Microsoft Corp. earlier this month released u
What To Do When tempdb Is Full
Let’s start with a breif description of tempdb and it’s default settings. The tempdb database is a system database that contains temporary tables created by the server and by the user. The database is recreated each time SQL server is restarted. If you are running SQL 7 or later the default settings
PASS 2001 North America
Coming off record breaking attendance, PASS 2001 North America is gearing up to be the premier SQL Server user conference, September 19-22, in Orlando, Florida. Register online by August 31 and save up to $255!