Tag: sql server


SQL In Simple English

by Kiran Pai – I have found that many articles found on the net are good and detailed but they are not really friendly to novice programmers.In my article the topic is presented as a Q&A session. Most of the questions are the ones that most novices would like to ask. And the Answers are pres



DBCC SHOWCONTIG is a wonderful tool which helps you to understand quite a bit more about your system than is obvious at first glance. And, frankly, the documentation doesn’t use terminology that makes it very obvious either. So, this article will focus on a few of the big ideas behind the tool usi


Notification Services Beta Program

SQL Server 2000 Notification Services makes it easy to develop and deploy applications that generate and send personalized notifications to wired and wireless devices. Notification Services scans input events from a wide variety of sources, matches these events against a user’s subscriptions, genera