Tag: sql server



by Dean Thompson – DBCC SHOWCONTIG is a wonderful tool which helps you to understand quite a bit more about your system than is obvious at first glance. And, frankly, the documentation doesn’t use terminology that makes it very obvious either. So, this article will focus on a few of the big ideas


SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4

SQL Server 7.0 Service Pack 4 (SP4) addresses specific issues that were discovered in SQL Server 7.0 and Microsoft Data Engine (MSDE) 1.0 since their ship date. Because SQL Server Service Packs are cumulative, SP4 includes all fixes from previously released Service Packs, and can be applied to an or


Database future debated

By Paul Krill – SAN JOSE, CALIF. — Whether the future of databases is the traditional, relational and SQL model with XML technologies incorporated into it or a new XML-based model is a matter of debate, according to panelists during a session Tuesday at the Software Development Conference & Expo he