Since SQL Server 2012 was released, the SQL Server engine supports a new class of aggregate functions they have named Analytic. You can find documentation for the Analytic.functions at What I find that is cool about these Analytic functions is that they extend beyond the existing set of aggregate functions, allowing you to build queries that you could do previously,...
Undocumented SQL Server 2012 Full-Text Search Stored Procedures
Undocumented SQL Server 2012 Full-Text Search Stored Procedures SQL Server 2012 supports the following three undocumented full-text search system stored procedures: sp_fulltext_recycle_crawl_log sp_MShelpfulltextindex sp_MShelpfulltextscript sp_fulltext_recycle_crawl_log The sp_fulltext_recycle_crawl_log system stored procedure is used to recycle crawl log for the given full-text catalog name. Syntax sp_fulltext_recycle_crawl_log [ @ftcat = ] ‘ftcat’ Arguments [ @ftcat = ] ‘ftcat’ Is the full-text catalog name...