Tag: Open Source


Database Templates with MySQL

(Russell Dyer) Once you’ve built several MySQL databases, you’ll learn some shortcuts to database design. Many databases are very similar. When creating new databases, developers often build the same basic tables with only slightly different names and some adjustments to columns. Rather than sta


The MySQL SET Datatype

(Mike Hillyer) One of the least commonly used of the MySQL datatypes has to be the SET datatype. The SET datatype is a string type, but is often referred to as a complex type due to the increased complexity involved in implementing them. A SET datatype can hold any number of strings from a predefine


Migrating to MySQL

(Robin Schumacher) It’s recently become very hard to be involved in the database industry and not be acquainted with MySQL. Boasting an install base of some five million systems and 35,000 downloads a day, MySQL has come on the database scene in a very dramatic way. The “M” in the open source L