(Jignesh Trivedi) Blazor is a .NET framework that runs in the browser on a real.NET runtime (Mono) via Web Assembly. Blazor is an experimental project and right now, it is not in production and so many changes are going on.
Solvency II XBRL without the Headache
(Erin Cavanaugh) Solvency II regulations in the European Union require periodic reports to be submitted in XBRL format by companies in the insurance industry. This can present a considerable challenge to workers unfamiliar with technical XBRL syntax.
AngularJs Quick Start
(Tushar_Gupta) We would be developing a basic AngularJS application in which we would be covering following walkthroughs:
How To Share Data Between Components Using Subscription And Subject In Angular 6
(Nitesh Jha) While working on a problem, I needed to search a data using the auto search functionality in Angular and had to pull the records from API and populate the data into the search box so that the user can select the records.
Iterating/Loop Through Your Component Property in Render Function in React
(Sibeesh Passion) I understand that you need to build some UI elements dynamically in your component’s render function in React. Yes! the only way is to loop through the items, you can either use a for loop or a map function to do so. But the real question is, are we allowed to do that in reac
Setters, Method Handles, and Java 11
(Konstantin Plotnikov) Want to learn more about using setters, getters, and method handles? Check out this post where we explore the differences in implementing these methods in Java 11.
Microservices for Java Developers: Monoglot or Polyglot?
(Andrey Redko) Along the previous parts of the tutorial we have talked quite a lot about the benefits of the microservice architecture.
Imperative Loop or Functional Stream Pipeline? Beware of the Performance Impact!
(lukaseder) I like weird, yet concise language constructs and API usages
Building Reusable Component In Angular – Part Five
(Usama Shahid) Today, we’ll learn how to use reusable components in Angular. So here, we’ll see how to pass the data from component to Views and we’ll raise the custom events.
Java 101: Functional programming for Java developers, Part 1
(Jeff Friesen) Java 8 introduced Java developers to functional programming with lambda expressions.