(Benktesh Sharma) More than often, developers test API, either through a browser request or using some clients such as POSTMAN, Advanced Rest Client (ARC).
Micronaut Tutorial: Part 2: Easy Distributed Tracing, JWT Security and AWS Lambda Deployment
(Sergio del Amo Caballero) In the first article within this series, we developed and deployed three microservices with the JVM-based Micronaut framework.
Reference Variable In Angular
(Mohammad Irshad) In this article, we are going to learn the reference variable in Angular. Reference variables are used to send the data from a template HTML to the class so as to perform some operation.
Java Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern Example
(Abhishek Kothari) In this article, we will discuss about a widely used Design pattern – Java Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern. In the name itself it suggests that, the Chain of responsibility design pattern generates a chain of receiver objects for a request.
Lesson to Learn: Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
(Dmitriy Gakh) An introduction to Genetic Algorithms with brief reference to biology and example of finding one solution for complex mathematical equation.
Overview Of Interpolation In Angular
(Mohammad Irshad) In this article, we are going to learn the use of interpolation. Generally, we display the static component from the inline HTML or from templateUrl. What if we want some of the things to change dynamically.
Node.js Error Handling Best Practices: Ship With Confidence
(Lou Bichard) Node.js error handling isn’t a walk in the park. When putting our code into production, we want to know that it’s battle-tested and hardened for all the complexities that production will throw at it.
JavaScript waitForever
(David Walsh) Writing mochitests for new features in DevTools can be difficult and time-consuming. There are so many elements interacting in an async manner that I oftentimes find myself using the debugger to debug the debugger!
Scalability and Performance: It’s Time to Relax With CouchDB and Java
(Otavio Santana) Performance and scalability are the most desirable traits that developers talk about in regards to persistence technology.
Functional Java by Example | Part 5 – Move I/O to the Outside
(Ted Vinke) This is part 5 of the series called “Functional Java by Example”.