(Ryan Peden) In this article, we’ll be creating a simple Node.js application that can write to a Slack channel.
Node.js Module Exports – Demystified
(Lou Bichard) When I started out in Node.js, I remember being struck by the weird-looking module.exports code.
Hot Reloading Using JRebel For Java Application
(Ethan Millar) JRebel is one of the Java agents which helps make development much faster by skipping the packaging and deploying steps of the application during the development process. JRebel is one of the plugins for IDE on top of the JDK Hot Swap.
Controlling JavaScript Program Flow
(Phil Ballard) Examines ways to recognize particular conditions and have your JavaScript program act in a prescribed way as a result.
Cooking angular.js with Typescript
(Bohdan Stupak) Typescript starts to gain more and more popularity because of static typing offering its benefits.
Services In Angular
(Mohammad Irshad) In this article, we are going to utilize the Angular Services. Service is nothing but the class having certain operations for a specific purpose. We use Services in Angular to share data among the components.
Build a Node.js console app with the JavaScript SDK to manage Azure Cosmos DB SQL API data
This tutorial shows you how to build a Node.js console application to create Azure Cosmos DB resources and query them.
Java Integer Cache – Why Integer.valueOf(127) == Integer.valueOf(127) Is True
(Naresh Joshi) In an interview, one of my friends was asked that if we have two Integer objects, Integer a = 127; Integer b = 127; Why a == b evaluate to true when both are holding two separate objects?
What is JSF? Introducing JavaServer Faces
(Matthew Tyson) JavaServer Faces (JSF) is the Java standard technology for building component-based, event-oriented web interfaces. Like JavaServer Pages (JSP), JSF allows access to server-side data and logic.
Java 8 Stream API Guide
(Ramesh Fadatare) Java provides a new additional package in Java 8 called java.util.stream. This package consists of classes, interfaces, and an enum that allows functional-style operations on the elements.