(Rinu Gour) Java keywords are a reserved word that has a special meaning associated with it. For easy identification, they are usually highlighted in Java.
Super Charge the Module Aware Service Loader in Java 11
(Uday Tatiraju) If you had a chance to use the Simple Logging Facade for Java (SLF4J) in one of your Java projects, you know that it allows you, the end-user, to plug-in your choice of a logging framework like java.util.logging (JUL) or logback or log4j at deployment time.
The Functional Style – Part 9
(Richard Wild) In this series we’ve taken a whirlwind tour through the topics related to functional programming that I think are most important to know, plus some extra that I think are good to know.
NodeJS WEB Server running PHP
(Member 4206974) This article comes from an attempt to be acquainted on NodeJS[1] and how a server built with JavaScript and NodeJS can call PHP scripts.
13 Java frameworks for rock-solid microservices
(Peter Wayner) It’s been a long trip for Java, a language that began as the lingua franca for the box on top of the television set in the days when TVs didn’t come with Roku or Chromecast built-in.
Overview Of Dependency Injection In Angular
(Mohammad Irshad) Dependency injection is the way of programming in which we try to inject the set of operations called services to the modules. Without dependency injection, if we are creating the application in large scale then we have to repeat the creation certain set of operations everywhere in
Comparison: Node.js vs. PHP
(Phil Vuollet) Both Node.js and PHP are popular platforms for websites, APIs, and other types of web content. They have a few similarities, but their differences far outweigh those similarities.
How do JavaScript Arrays Work Under the Hood?
(Ryan Peden) Front-end and full-stack developers use JavaScript arrays every day. Most of them, however, haven’t done a deep dive to understand how JS arrays are implemented in native code.
The Right Way to Reverse a String in Java
(Jonatan Ivanov) As you probably know, Java uses UTF-16 to represent String. The char data type and the Character class are based on the original Unicode specification, which defined characters as fixed-width 16-bit entities.
Java 11: JOIN Tables, Get Java Streams
(Per Minborg) Ever wondered how you could turn joined database tables into a Java Stream? Read this short article and find out how it is done using the Speedment Stream ORM.