(Jeff Friesen) In Part 1 of this beginner’s introduction to Android Studio, you set up Android Studio in your development environment and got to know the user interface. Now, in Part 2, you’ll code your first app.
A Look Into Angular 7 Navbar Application Using Bootstrap 4
(Satyaprakash Samantaray) In this article, we will learn how to set up Angular 7 and create a responsive Angular 7 application using Bootstrap.
Using React Hooks with TypeScript
(rjzaworski) React and TypeScript are a powerful combination for building safer, more scalable web applications.
Deploying Angular 7 App To Firebase Hosting (With Extra Tips)
(Satyaprakash Samantaray) Today, I will show you the steps to publish an Angular 7 application to Firebase Hosting. Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform developed by Firebase, that was acquired by Google in 2014.
Configuring ESLint on a TypeScript project
(Jack Franklin) Whenever I’ve used TypeScript in the past, I’ve set up TSLint as my linting tool of choice. However, I’ve always wished I could use ESLint instead, for a few reasons:
Deploy Angular App Using Azure DevOps Build and Release Pipelines
(Sibeesh Passion) Here, we are going to set up our Build and Release pipeline configuration of our Angular application very easy, in fact, by following some basic tasks.
Explicitly Naming Automatic Java Modules
(Dustin Marx) When creating automatic modules, naming is important.
Adventures with ReasonML
(Jack Franklin) If you follow me on Twitter, or have read this blog for a while, you’ll probably know that I’m a big fan of Elm. It’s a functional, strictly typed language that compiles to JavaScript and is a great alternative to JavaScript for building web applications.
Java Challengers #6: Thread behavior in the JVM
(Rafael Chinelato Del Nero) Threading refers to the practice of executing programming processes concurrently to improve application performance. While it’s not that common to work with threads directly in business applications, they’re used all the time in Java frameworks.
Comparing Java REST Documentation Frameworks
(Wouter Van Hecke) Deciding which Java framework to choose when documenting your REST APIs can be quite the hassle. In this blogpost we will briefly compare the three documentation frameworks for REST web services that we ourselves use, and how they integrate with the Spring framework (which is the