(Ck Nitin) Ignite-UI’s Angular expansion panel is very useful in situations when we need to show lots of things and we have limited space in a web application, especially in mobile-based applications because mobiles have comparatively small screens to render controls.
JavaScript Logging Basic Tips
(Gaege Root) JavaScript has come a long way in recent years. Browsers are becoming more robust and machines are growing more powerful. Pair this with the recent development of Node.js for execution of JavaScript on servers, and you can understand why JavaScript has exploded in popularity.
Code Your Own Event Emitter in Node.js: A Step-by-step Guide
(Rajesh Pillai) This is a step by step guide to how to code your own event emitter in Node.js.
A Deep Dive Into Angular Animations
(Usama Shahid) This article will teach you how to add animations to your Angular apps. By the end of this article, you’ll have a good understanding of how to write clean and maintainable animation code.
Refactoring a component to use React hooks
(Jack Franklin) React 16.8 introduced hooks; a new way to work with effects and state in React. No longer do React components that have state need to be ES2015 classes that extend React.Component – hooks let us write components as functions and still have all the functionality of class based compone
Different States of Java Threads
(Sayem Ahmed) In Java, threads can have States. The Thread.State enum defines the different states that a Java thread can have. This enum defines the following values –
The Most Important Players in the Java Ecosystem
(Tom Smith) To understand the current and future state of the Java Ecosystem, we reached out to our community for their insights.
Java 8 Functional Programming Tutorial
(Mary Zheng) Java 8 supports functional programming via the lambda expression and Stream API. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how Java 8 supports functional programming via common pre-defined functional interfaces, Collections, and Stream API.
Lesser Known jOOë Features: Useful Collectors
(lukaseder) jOOë is our second most popular library. It implements a set of useful extensions to the JDK’s Stream API, which are useful especially when streams are sequential only, which according to our assumptions is how most people use streams in Java.
camelCase JSON Response in ASP.NET Projects
(DiponRoy) While generating JSON in ASP.NET MVC project, I found out the generated JSON responses are actually not in camel case format.