(Gnanavel Sekar) In this article, I will demonstrate how to generate a Gauge chart using C3 Chart JavaScript Library to view the population by gender from a database using Entity Framework in ASP.NET MVC5.
JVM, JDK, JRE: What’s the difference?
(Matthew Tyson) Developers new to Java often wonder what differentiates the Java Virtual Machine, the Java Development Kit, and the Java Runtime Environment. They’re also curious how these three Java platform components work together in Java applications.
OpenFin : A small example app using it
(Sacha Barber) So it has been a very long time since I wrote an article here at codeproject. I have been quite busy on my blog actually, so have been doing more there of late. Thing is I kind of heard about this technology years ago, and kind of knew what it did, but had never really used it.
Java 12: New Features and Enhancements Developers Should Know
(Jazmine Llaguno) Oracle will soon roll out Java 12 in March 2019 and new releases will drop once every six months thereafter. The goal is to make new releases more frequent for the Java ecosystem, with certain releases earmarked as long-term support (LTS).
Realtime Serverless IoT Data Using Azure SignalR And Functions In Angular
(Sibeesh Venu) Here, in this article, we will see how we can show the real-time data from our IoT device in an Angular application using Azure SignalR service and Azure Functions.
Java Command Design Pattern Example
(Abhishek Kothari) In this post, we will discuss the concept java Command design pattern. The command design pattern is one of the behavioral design pattern in object oriented programming where the object is used to hide the information that is necessary to carry out an action or to activate events
Java Tip: Hibernate validation in a standalone implementation
(Victoria Farber) A good data validation strategy is an important part of every application development project. Being able to consolidate and generalize validation using a proven framework can significantly improve the reliability of your software, especially over time.
Moving to Java 11: Rediscover Some Gems You Might Have Missed
(Andrea Del Bene) If you are a Java developer, and unless you’ve been living under a rock, you should have been affected in some way by the new course Java began in version 9.
JAX-WS Change Endpoint Example
(Gilbert Lopez) In this example, we will demonstrate how to change the service endpoint in a Java web service client application.
Angular 7 with .NET Core 2.2 – Global Weather (Part 3)
(Fred Song) In Global Weather Part 1 and Global Weather Part 2, we built an Angular 7 app and a .NET Core 2.2 micro API service step by step. In this article, we’ll start to look at unit tests.