(David Walsh) JavaScript async/await has changed the landscape of how we code. We’re no longer stuck in callback or then hell, and our code can feel more “top down” again.
How To Implement Token Based Authentication Using Web API, Entity Framework, And Angular 7
(Puneet Kankar) In this article, we will learn how to implement token-based authentication using Web API, Entity Framework, and Angular 7.
Restify vs. Sails vs. Hapi: Node.js Framework Comparison
(Chris Tobolski) In the last decade, Node.js has rapidly risen in popularity as a server-side programming language.
Implement Toastr Notification In Angular 7
(Sanwar Ranwa) In this article, we will learn about the Toastr library and how to implement Toastr in Angular 7 for creating notifications.
Disguise Driven Testing: Jest Mocks In Depth — Part 2
(Joe Morgan) Mocks are a great way of preventing AJAX calls in tests, but they can also help you isolate side effects and impurities that can create complicated tests.
CRUD Operation using ASP.NET CORE 2.2 and React Redux with EntityFramework Core (Database First Approach) and PrimeReact Components
(PrashantRamteke) In my previous post, I explained how to perform CRUD Operation using ASP.NET CORE 2 and Angular 4 with Entity Framework Core (Database First Approach), primeng component and toastr-ng2 which you can find here.
Java 101: Elementary Java language features
(Jeff Friesen) Java is an object-oriented programming language, but there’s more to Java than programming with objects. This tutorial is the first of several introducing non-object-oriented features and syntax that are fundamental to the Java language.
React And Redux Essentials – Part Two
(Gourav Jain) This series will allow you to learn ReactJS and Redux thoroughly in a steady manner.
Sorting a HashMap In Java
(Shubhra Srivastava) In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to sort a Java HashMap. We can sort a HashMap either by keys or by values. We’ll discuss both of these strategies.
Building Dynamic React Apps with Database Data
(Jerod Johnson) This article walks through setting up the CData API Server to create a REST API for a SQLite database and creating a simple React Web application that has live access to the database data.