(Manuel Pais) Even though Dave Farley and Jez Humble’s classic Continuous Delivery book came out a decade ago, the authors still see many organisations struggling with some of the concepts. The truth is that implementing continuous delivery (CD) is hard.
Java integration test with dockerized DB in jenkins
(ArindamNayak) This article explains how to setup integration test in jenkins using dokcerized database. It is important that we should execute the integration test in CI pipeline so that we get hold of any error in the CI itself.
Intro to Unit Testing in Java With JUnit5 Library
(Yuri Mednikov) Check out this post to learn more about Java unit testing with JUnit 5.
Java Scanner Tutorial
(Rohit Gupta) Java Scanner reads input text in Java. In this tutorial, learn how to use Java Scanner methods and properties to read and parse text.
Stop Installing Packages Globally
(Landon Schropp) These days, most front-end projects are going to involve NPM packages of some kind. Occasionally, when browsing documentation for these packages, I’ll see a recommendation to install a package like this.
HTML Editor with Live Preview and Style Playground
(Marc Clifton) Edit markup, styles, and Javascript with live preview as well as a style “property grid.”
Integrating Theme In Angular 7
(Faisal Pathan) Here, we will learn about integrating a theme in an Angular 7 application.
XPath & XQuery Tutorial for SQL Pros (Video)
(Ty Shuff) Prior to starting at Altova I had zero experience with both XPath and XQuery. The first task I was presented with was to train myself on both query languages as quickly as possible and produce a concise video tutorial.
String comparisons in Java
(Rafael Chinelato Del Nero) In Java, the String class encapsulates an array of char. Put simply, String is an array of characters used to compose words, sentences, or any other data you want.
Java String Tutorial
(Rohit Gupta) The tutorial explains everything about String in Java. Learn how to use Java String methods and properties.