(David Walsh) I write a lot of tests for new features within Firefox DevTools. We have hundreds of “mochitests” which open the browser and perform synthetic actions like clicking, typing, and other user actions.
Implement PayPal With Recurring Payment Using Angular 8
(Imtiyaz Ansari) In this article, I will discuss PayPal integration in Angular 8 applications step by step. PayPal is one of the most popular online payment processors in the world.
Become a Master of Java Streams – Part 4: Database Streams
(Per Minborg) SQL has always been a declarative language whereas Java for a long time has been imperative. Java streams have changed the game. Code your way through this hands-on-lab article and learn how Java streams can be used to perform declarative queries to an RDBMS database, without writing a
How To Setup Angular 8 App
(Jayakrishnan V B) In this article, you will learn how to setup an Angular 8 app.
Here’s How to Calculate Elapsed Time in Java
(Carlos Schults) Many things in programming sound like they should be easy, but are quite hard. Calculating elapsed time in Java is one of those. How hard could that be? As it turns out, it can be tricky.
Building a C# WPF Twitter Reader with REST API (Now .NET Core 3 Version!)
(Peter Sun) Create a C# WPF app to read Twitter tweets and retweets via REST API with grouping related users / friends by categories. As a bonus, tweets can be saved in Azure / Cloud, and viewed in an Azure website.
Mastering Java exceptions, Part 2: Advanced features and library types
(Jeff Friesen) JDK 1.0 introduced a framework of language features and library types for dealing with exceptions, which are divergences from expected program behavior.
React Material UI
(Prashant Rewatkar) In this article, we are going to learn about what Material UI library is and how to install a Material UI library in React web applications.
Stop Mapping Stuff in Your Middleware. Use SQL’s XML or JSON Operators Instead
(lukaseder) It’s been a while since I’ve ranted on this blog, but I was recently challenged by a reddit thread to write about this topic, so here goes…
Global Weather – React App with ASP.NET Core 3.0 (Part 2)
(Fred Song) Learn how to integrate rest API calls into React-Redux for client-side state management, using Redux to manage the data instead of directly accessing component state.