(Mohammad Irshad) In this article, we will try to implement the basic operations ( Create, Read, Update, Delete ) using Angular and WebApi.
Create a GUI with Java
(Rogers Cadenhead) Walks you through how to use Swing to create applications that feature key GUI components.
Deploying an Angular 8 Application with Web API ASP.NET Core 2.2
(Flávio Henrique de Carvalho) This is a practical article that serves with a guide of steps describing problems and solutions found when deploying an application with an ASP.NET Core backend and Angular frontend, aimed at developers and other beginner professionals.
A Disk-Backed ArrayList
(Bozhidar Bozhanov) Learn more about disk-backed ArrayLists and Java performance.
Observer Design Pattern Explained With Java Sample
(Nagaraj M) The Observer Design Pattern is a Behavioral Pattern used to notify all the objects that are registered/attached/added to the same type of observer.
Functional Java by Example | Part 8 – More Pure Functions
(Ted Vinke) This is part 8, the last instalment of the series called “Functional Java by Example”.
Styling Your Angular 9 App with Bootstrap 4 Jumbotron, Tables, Forms and Cards
(Ahmed Bouchefra) In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to integrate and use bootstrap 4 with Angular 9.
Learn About Reactive Forms In Angular
(Mohammad Irshad) In Angular, the reactive forms are use to create the forms in which the code and logic resides in the component class.
Redis-Based Bloom Filter for Java
(Nikita Koksharov) Learn how to use Bloom filters in Java and Redis with the Redis Java client Redisson.
Key annotations you need to know when working with JPA and Hibernate
(Thorben Janssen) When you start learning and using Hibernate and JPA, the number of annotations might be overwhelming. But as long as you rely on the defaults, you can implement your persistence layer using only a small subset of them.