(Rafael Merino) In this article, we introduce json-values, a Scala library that makes use of persistent data structures to allow users to better handle JSON.
C#.NET – JSON Object Mapper
(Asma Khalid) JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is one of the most commonly used data passing formats used in Web API(s) development. Parsing & manipulating complex JSON objects becomes quite the headache especially with array parsing technique.
Athena: Extracting data from JSON
(Anand) Suppose you have a table in Athena and its column contain JSON data. How can you extract the individual keys?
Raw Websockets Minigame with Angular and ASP.net Core
(SleepyCrat) A asp.net core web project implementing websockets using .net core’s middleware. We implment the websocket client app using Angular and a aste of vanilla javascript.
Add Material UI In React Application
(Sanwar Ranwa) In this article we will learn how to use the Material-UI library in a React application.
@Input and @Output in Angular
(Karthik Chintala) In this post, we will look at how to pass the data to the components using @Input and get the data back flowing with @Output.
Installing Oracle Java SE 11 on Ubuntu 18.04
(Kibo Hutchinson) This article is a quick guide for Ubuntu Linux users installing Java 11, the current long-term support (LTS) Java version.
How To Create PDF In ReactJS
(Sanwar Ranwa) In this article, we will learn how to generate a PDF in ReactJS spplications. Generating a PDF of reports or invoices or any other documents in web application is the basic requirement.
Spring WebClient and Java date-time fields
(Biju Kunjummen) WebClient is Spring Framework‘s reactive client for making service to service calls.
Securing a Website Using Firebase, Angular 8, and ASP.Net Core 3.1
(SleepyCrat) This article will show you how to create an ASP. net core web api project and secure it using Google’s Firebase authentication service with an Angular front end.