(Erin Cavanaugh) The latest release of XMLSpy adds several user-requested features for working with JSON and XML, as well as new functionality for debugging XPath, updated standards and database support, and more.
Creating a RESTful API with Automatic Documentation on Azure App Service
(Hugo G Fernandez R) Azure App Services includes several features to manage your web applications and services including Web Apps, Logic Apps, Mobile Apps and API Apps.
Next.js upgrade emphasizes static site generation
(Paul Krill) Next.js, positioned as a React framework for the enterprise, is available in a new version that emphasizes static site generation. The update, Next.js 9.3, was released on March 9.
Social Media Authentication in Angular
(Haridhass Mani) Social login uses existing login information from a social network provider (i.e. Facebook, Linkedin or Google, etc…) The user can sign into a third-party website instead of creating a new account specifically on that website.
How to use regular expression in Java?
(Mohamed Sanaulla) Regular expressions are very important tool for seraching in text.
Utilize useState or useRef Hooks and gridReady Event to Maintain Access to Grid API and Column API
(morzel) This post provides code samples and shows how to utilize useState or useRef hooks and gridReady event to maintain access to Grid API and Column API. You will also be able to see a demo of useRef vs, useState and discusses the difference between the two versions.
Using Java 13+ Text Blocks for Plain SQL with jOOQ
(lukaseder) Most jOOQ users use the jOOQ DSL API, which provides compile time type safety and an easy way to write dynamic SQL.
Learn Angular’s Folder Structure And Execution Flow For Beginners – Part Two
(Khaja Moizuddin) This article is a continuation of here. Before reading the below article, I suggest you read my previous article as provided in the link.
Build a Single Page Application (SPA) Site With Vanilla.js
(Jeremy Likness) Modern JavaScript has all of the capabilities and features necessary to build a complete Single Page Application (SPA) experience without relying on a framework.
Different Ways to Create Refs in React
(Sumit Kharche) While writing React apps we are always following the component-based architecture but there might be a situation where you may have to manipulate or imperatively modify the DOM element.