(tranthanhtu.vn) REST is Representational state transfer (REST) in short.
Why Does ‘JavaScript’ Contain Word ‘Java’ Even If It Has Nothing To Do With Java
Why does “JavaScript” contain “Java” word in it? Well, it has nothing to do with Java. The early web browser wars between Netscape (backed by Sun Microsystems) and Microsoft influenced how JavaScript was gradually named and shaped. Java name was included as a marketing strategy to gain acceptance.
Check if an HttpRequest is an Ajax Request
(Srinath M S) A quick way to check if an HTTP Request is an Ajax request is by examining the X-Requested-With Header value.
Parsing/Reading XML from URL in VB.NET
(Bhanu Pratap Singh Rathore) This tip shows an easy way to read or parse an XML Document from a URL, by using the MXMLParser class that I developed.
Loading data from APIs in React
(Jack Franklin) ReactJS is a brilliant framework to work in, and something that I get asked a lot by people new to the framework is how best to deal with loading data from an external source, such as an API. In today’s 10 minute video I show you how to create a component that can fetch data from an
Java EE and Docker Tips
(Yolande Poirier) Instead of parsing a ton of documentation to find common CLI commands, try this. Java Engineer and Architect Manfred Riem wrote a series of blog about tips that will help you with your day-to-day programming.
Implementing the Singleton Design Pattern in Java
(Joydip Kanjilal) The Singleton design pattern is one of the most popular design patterns in use. The Singleton design pattern is one of the Gang of Four’s (GOF) design patterns and belongs to the Creational Design Pattern category. This article presents a discussion on the Singleton design pattern,
How to contribute to open source with Webpack
(Jack Franklin) Webpack is one of the most prominent open source projects in the JavaScript and they are always looking for more people to help contribute back to the project.
How to Prevent JDBC Resource Leaks with JDBC and with jOOQ
(lukaseder) In a recent consulting gig, I was analysing a client’s connection pool issue in a productive system, where during some peak loads, all the Java processes involving database interactions just started queueing up until nothing really worked anymore.
Module and Revealing Module Patterns in JavaScript
(Dheeraj Kumar Kesri) This is the second post in the series of two posts on managing scope in JavaScript. In the first post I discussed Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) in detail.