(Kris Rice) This blog post brought to you by the letter M as in Martin . He asked me on twitter if SQLcl via Nashorn could use ECMA Script 6 features yet. The answer is yes. So, for the brave that want to try out the latest greatest ECMA Script 6 features it can be done with SQLcl.
Paging Sorting and Searching In ASP.NET MVC Using jQuery DataTable
Paging, Sorting , Searching is very important when you are working with huge records. In this article we will use jQuery data table library to make efficient, responsive Paging, Sorting, Searching on html table in ASP.NET MVC with json data.
Setting up Vim for modern JavaScript Development
(Jack Franklin) I’ve been using Vim solidly for about six years now, and do all of my editing in it. This blog post, all the open source code on GitHub, and all my code at work is written in Vim. I keep all my configuration in my dotfiles repo on GitHub which means it’s easily synced between compute
Adding jQuery effects to list value of navbar in bootstrap
(manideep goud) In this article we shall learn how to slide a content when navbar list value is triggered
Go vs Python: Parsing a JSON response from a HTTP API
(Mark Needham) As part of a recommendations with Neo4j talk that I’ve presented a few times over the last year I have a set of scripts that download some data from the meetup.com API.
Java 9’s other new enhancements, Part 1
(Jeff Friesen) Barring further delays, Java 9 will reach general availability status on July 27. Its module system and Java Shell Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) tool are receiving considerable attention, but Java 9 also offers additional enhancements that will make this release memorable.
How to Write a Quick and Dirty Converter in jOOQ
(lukaseder) One of jOOQ‘s most powerful features is the capability of introducing custom data types, pretending the database actually understands them. For instance, when working with SQL TIMESTAMP types, users mostly want to use the new JSR-310 LocalDateTime, rather than the JDBC java.sql.Timestamp
Social Sharing Buttons using jQuery and XML
(Bryian Tan) Yet another social sharing buttons script created by using jQuery and XML for your website. The script is very straight forward and self explanatory. The buttons container and buttons setting are stored in the XML file.
Calling A C# Function With jQuery AJAX In ASP.NET MVC
(Yogi S) jQuery AJAX method is a very powerful function for doing asynchronous operations from the Web pages. It helps to update parts of a Web page without reloading the whole page.
6 Great Uses of the Spread Operator
(David Walsh) Thanks to ES6 and the likes of Babel, writing JavaScript has become incredibly dynamic, from new language syntax to custom parsing like JSX. I’ve become a big fan of the spread operator, three dots that may change the way you complete tasks within JavaScript.