(Markus Eisele) While the term “reactive” has been around for a long time, only recently has it been recognized by the industry as the de facto way forward in system design, and has hit mainstream adoption.
Why Learn Functional Programming in JavaScript? (Composing Software)
(Eric Elliott) Forget whatever you think you know about JavaScript, and approach this material with a beginner’s mind. To help you do that, we’re going to review the JavaScript basics from the ground up, as if you’ve never seen JavaScript before.
Introduction To JavaScript
(Pramod Thakur) JavaScript is a cross platform object oriented scripting language. It is case-sensitive and before jQuery, JavaScript was used only for client-side validation. In other words, you can say that JS was the most underrated language.
Java 9’s other new enhancements, Part 2: Milling Project Coin
(Jeff Friesen) JEP 213: Milling Project Coin defines a set of small language changes for Java 9. Three of these changes are related to the OpenJDK Project Coin-based language changes that debuted in Java 7, and the other two changes are considered Coin-like.
State Reset and Update with React
(David Walsh) If you follow me on Twitter, you’ll know that I’ve taken a real liking to React, as has seemingly everyone else in the JavaScript development world.
Grid View With Server Side Advanced Search Using jQuery DataTables In ASP.NET MVC 5
(Ehsan Sajjad) In the last two posts about implementing GridView in ASP.NET MVC, we talked how we can create a Grid like we had in ASP.NET webforms using jQuery DataTables plugin.
Context in ReactJS Applications
(Jack Franklin) There is a lot of confusion amongst React developers on what context is, and why it exists. It’s also a feature that’s been hidden in the React documentation in the past and, although it is now documented on the React site I thought a post on its usage and when to use it would be of
From Microservices to Distributed Systems: A Survival Guide for Java Devs
(Markus Eisele) Moving to a microservices architecture is not just a matter of replacing method calls with HTTP requests. Welcome to the world of containers, reactive stacks, and more.
AJAX Call For Dropdown Lists In MVC
(Ravi Raghav) In today’s article, we will see how to populate a dropdown list in MVC, using AJAX call and on the basis of the selected value’s first drop down, we will populate a second dropdown list.
JSON Data Mapping and Transformation with MapForce
(David McGahey) JSON is a popular format for transferring data between systems thanks to its simple markup, small footprint, and heritage based on the JavaScript programming language. MapForce supports JSON as both an input and output format for JSON data mapping and transformation.