(Arun Gupta) There is plenty of material on microservices, just google it! I gave a presentation on refactoring monolith to microservices at Devoxx Belgium a couple of years back and it has good reviews:
Indentation is the enemy: Writing less complex JavaScript
(James Sinclair) I’ve been working a lot with a legacy code-base lately. And this one is particularly troublesome. It has all the hallmarks of a rush job.
Developing SharePoint Framework Web Parts Using PnP JavaScript Modules
(Nakkeeran Natarajan) In this article, you will learn how to work with SharePoint list operations on SharePoint framework Web parts, using PnP JavaScript libraries.
Java 9’s other new enhancements, Part 2: Milling Project Coin
(Jeff Friesen) EP 213: Milling Project Coin defines a set of small language changes for Java 9. Three of these changes are related to the OpenJDK Project Coin-based language changes that debuted in Java 7, and the other two changes are considered Coin-like.
Gear up for Java SE 9
(Yolande Poirier) As you probably know, Java SE 9 is feature complete and the ramp down process has started. This will be an important release introducing a module system to the Java platform proposed for July 2017.
How to Make Serial Chart With JSON Data Using amChart
(Raj Kumar) You can download and use all amCharts products for free. The only limitation of the free version is that a small link to this web site will be displayed in the top left corner of your charts.
Web Performance 101: Optimizing Javascript
(Kameerath Kareem) Javascript redefined web applications ushering in a new era of dynamic websites with fluid responsive designs. It has gained a strong following among developers, popular libraries and frameworks like JQuery and Angular JS are all built with Javascript.
Java EE Recap
(Yolande Poirier) For those of you who are not looking at the Java EE mailing list and news on a regular basis, this blog will give you a summary of Java EE JSR progress.
Dynamic HTML Using Handlebars JavaScript
(Asma Khalid) The concept of DHTML was Introduced in 1997 by Microsoft with the launch of Internet Explorer 4 to create interactive Websites with the combinations of multiple technologies i.e. HTML, JavaScript, CSS and later Server side technologies.
Load XML Into MySQL Using Java
(Jay Sridhar) If you like XML’s handy hierarchical style and the familiarity of Java, you’re in luck: You can quickly parse your XML data and put it into a MySQL database with ease.