
Swap Items in jQuery Object

(yuvalsol) I happened to stumble upon a jQuery discussion forum, where a user, requesting for help, wanted to know how to swap two items in a jQuery object. The answers that tried to address the problem were not satisfactory in my opinion and with this article, I will present my solution to the issu


How to Debug XSLT and XQuery

(Erin Cavanaugh) Nothing’s more frustrating than getting unintended results from an XSLT or XQuery transformation and having to spend hours tracking down the issue – especially if you’ve inherited the project from another developer or haven’t looked at the code in a few months.


Histogram Equalisation in Java

(AjithKp560_) Histogram equalisation is a technique used to enhance the contrast of image using the histogram of image. The histogram of image represents the frequency of gray levels in the image. The gray levels of image vary from 0 to 255, that is a gray scale image’s pixel size is 8 bits(1 byte).


Powerless Javascript

(Jeffrey Kemp) I was writing a small javascript function, part of which needed to evaluate 10 to the power of a parameter – I couldn’t remember what the exponentiation operator is in javascript so as usually I hit F12 and typed the following into the console: