
Performance Testing in Java

Ix-chel Ruiz and Andres Almiray talk about the tools in the Java space that can help us get better measurements and results, like JMeter (perhaps one of the most well known) and JMH (probably the next likely candidate), and some techniques that should make engaging in performance testing a rewarding


XML… in the Cloud !

(Matthias Nicola) Over the past couple of years I have focused a lot on Cloud Data Services and less on XML as a specialty topic. But sure enough, all of the great XML processing capabilities that you know from DB2 pureXML are also available in cloud database services such as dashDB and DB2 on Clou


HTML5 Geolocation

(Peter Leow) Every one of us occupies a location on Earth. This location is specified by a geographic coordinate system of latitude, longitude, and altitude. With the proliferation of location-aware hardware and software, finding one’s location on the Earth has never been easier.