(Krishna kv) Express is a light-weight web application framework to help organize your web application into an MVC architecture on the server side. TypeScript enables us to develop a solid web applications using Express on Node.js.
SharePoint List Operations Using SPFx Solution With JSOM
(Nakkeeran Natarajan) Here, let us look at performing basic list operations, using SharePoint JavaScript Object Model (JSOM) on SharePoint Framework Solutions (SPFx).
10 JavaScript concepts every Node.js programmer must master
(Rahul Mhatre) With JavaScript and the V8 engine at the core, an event-driven architecture, and scalability out of the box, Node.js has quickly become the new de facto standard for creating web applications and SaaS products.
A Simple Java Console Interface From Scratch
(Michael B Pliam) Developing and testing new java code using NetBeans can be daunting because the output window can rapidly become overcrowded with output and increasingly difficult to read.
jQuery Unobtrusive AJAX For Partial Updates In ASP.NET MVC
(Nishan Aryal) In this article, you will learn
Line following robot in JavaScript
This line following robot application is part of a series of how-to Internet of Things (IoT) code sample exercises using the Intel IoT Developer Kit, Intel Edison board, Intel IoT Gateway, cloud platforms, APIs, and other technologies.
Review: The 6 best JavaScript IDEs
(Martin Heller) JavaScript is used for many different kinds of applications today. Most often, JavaScript works with HTML5 and CSS to build web front ends. But JavaScript also helps build mobile applications, and it’s finding an important place on the back end in the form of Node.js servers.
Learn GRAKN.AI With Java
(Jo Stichbury) GRAKN.ai’s codebase is written in Java, so it makes sense to interact with the AI database with the language as well. Fortunately, The Simpsons are here to help.
Fire alarm in JavaScript
This smart fire alarm application is part of a series of how-to Internet of Things (IoT) code sample exercises using the Intel IoT Developer Kit, Intel Edison board, Intel IoT Gateway, cloud platforms, APIs, and other technologies.
(David Walsh) My recent work at Mozilla has me creating an OAuth-like authentication transaction between Bugzilla and Phabricator. This task has thrust me back into the world of PHP, a language I haven’t touched much (since version ~5.2) outside of creating WordPress themes and plugins for this blo