(Satyaprakash Samantaray) Bootbox.js is a small JavaScript library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes, using Bootstrap modals, creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers.
Creating ExcelSheet with pre populated dropdown list using C# and OpenXML.
(Roshan Choudhary) Working with excel through code, we can come up with scenerio where our requirement is to create such excel sheet of data which containing a dropdown list too in that sheet.
Pretty JSON with JSON_PRETTY()
(Dave Stokes) JSON is a great way to share data and is highly praised in being human readable. Well, compared to XML and some other standards it is easier to read. But sometimes the data looks mushed or wilted.
Implementation Of XML Serialization And Data Contract Serialization Utility In .NET
(Hr Rony) The above diagram wants to say, Deserialization: Transforming XML string to object. Serialization: Transforming object to XML string.
Using JSON.stringify() Replacer Function To Recursively Serialize And Sanitize Log Data
(Ben Nadel) Yesterday, I took a look at how the JSON.stringify() method will recurse through an object graph, calling .toJSON() on each node, if it exists. The .toJSON() class methods provide a class-oriented way of customizing the serialization process.
Java Magazine Edition about Libraries
(Andrew Binstock) In an age of frameworks, there still remains a supreme need for libraries, those useful collections of classes and methods that save us a huge amount of work.
HTML 5 and jQuery – A Match Made in Heaven
(Steve Wellens) I recently attended an ASP.NET MVC seminar hosted by the Twin Cities .NET User Group.
Introduction To JavaScript Promises
(John Antony) Every web developer should be able to handle asynchronous work with confidence. That’s why you need to learn about javascript promises.
Implementation of XML Serialization and Data Contract Serialization Utility in .NET
(HR Rony) Basic Idea about DeSerializer and Serializer; advantage and disadvantages of XmlSerializer and DataContractSerializer; implementation XML and DataContract Serializer/ De-Serializer.
AJAX CRUD Operation With jQuery DataTables In ASP.NET MVC 5 For Beginners
(Ehsan Sajjad) I frequently come across questions on StackOverflow in which the questioners are able to create CRUD operations for their entity which is a normal form post, but they struggle implementing the CRUD via AJAX so that page does not reload completely for better User Experience.