(Nandhini S) JavaScript front-end framework is similar to frameworks like Angular, Ember and React. I’ve written about it in the past but it’s been a while. Here is an updated guide on how to get started using it.
Java Float Precision Changes When Unexpectedly Up-Casting to Double
(Mick Knutson) A quick reminder: Remember to match your variable types when working with object containers. Here’s an example of values gone wild when upcasting.
Refactoring React with Tests
(Jack Franklin) As you work on a React application it’s highly likely that you’ll encounter components that have grown over time. They may have started with just one particular use case in mind, but will have been added to since. This can lead to complex render methods and code that’s hard to follow
I Wish JavaScript Had A Way To Map And Filter Arrays In A Single Operation
(Ben Nadel) For years, I used jQuery to build my web applications. And, no matter what anyone says, jQuery was and is awesome. One of the features that I miss most (now that I use other frameworks) is the intelligence that jQuery built into its mapping and iteration functions.
Type dependency in Java, Part 2
(Dr. Andreas Solymosi) Understanding type compatibility is fundamental to writing good Java programs, but the interplay of variances between Java language elements can seem highly academic to the uninitiated.
Config Transformation Tool: Using XDT Transformation
(outcoldman) XDT Transformation is a new feature of ASP.NET 4.0 named Web.Config Transformation.
JUnit 5 – Parameterized Tests
(Nicolai Parlog) JUnit 5 is pretty impressive, particularly when you look under the covers, at the extension model and the architecture. But on the surface, where tests are written, the development is more evolutionary than revolutionary – is there no killer feature over JUnit 4?
To Replace The Labels In Entity Form Using JavaScript In Dynamics CRM
(Madhanmohan Devarajan) In this article, I have explained the steps to replacing the labels in an Entity Form, using JavaScript, XML and CSS files in Dynamics 365.
Support for JSON5 in Altova MissionKit, Server Products, and MobileTogether
(David McGahey) Altova products have supported JSON for several years. Now, Version 2017 Release 3 of MissionKit and Server products, and MobileTogether Version 3.2 all include support for JSON5 across the product line.
Minify CSS and JS Files through PowerShell Scripts
(nirman b doshi) The below scripts can be used in scenarios where you need to minify CSS and JavaScript files of your website using PowerShell Scripts. (For example, during Post-build PowerShell scripts in TFS build).