(Jeff Friesen) Exploring puzzling code to figure out why it doesn’t do what seems obvious is one way to improve your programming skills. In this post, I introduce you to various Java-oriented puzzlers from Jens Dietrich, Joshua Bloch and Neal Gafter, and myself.
Android Parsing JSON
(hexgear) In this article, I will share how to parse JSON using JSON-Java in Android, however the snippet is not limited to Android only.
Parsing in Java (Part 3): PEG Parsers and Combinators
(Gabriele Tomassetti) As we conclude the Parsing in Java series, we examine the variety PEG parsers and parser combinators out there to determine when they should be used.
The road to Java 9: Only critical bugs getting fixed now
(Paul Krill) With the initial release candidate build for Java 9 now published, Oracle has proposed that from here on out, only “showstopper” bugs be fixed for the production Java 9 release, which is due September 21.
Jersey Web Service Hello World Example in Java
(Javin Paul) After Restlet, Jersey is another popular open source framework to create RESTful web services in Java.
Are Java 8 Streams Truly Lazy? Not Completely!
(lukaseder) In a recent article, I’ve shown that programmers should always apply a filter first, map later strategy with streams. The example I made there was this one:
Query Parameters and Path Parameters in Undertow
(Bill O’Neil) Take a look at how to use query and path parameters in Undertow. In addition to some examples, there are some best practices to keep in mind as well.
Use Precise Java Method Parameters
(Per Minborg) Learn how to pick the right method parameter types and get more robust and shorter code in your Java applications.
ASP.NET MVC Tooltip using Web API, Bootstrap Popover and jQuery UI dialog
(Bryian Tan) In this article, I will share the tips on how to dynamically add a help / tooltip / ScreenTip icon next to a form elements such as textbox, label, paragraph, button, etc.
Add CSS and JavaScript Files to Phabricator Extensions
(David Walsh) Every open source framework has its own methods of extending functionality; some make extending incredibly easy and others…not so much. Most of the time it comes down to how well the framework is documented.