(Nejimon CR) PDF generation is a common task in a business web application. Sometimes, email templates need to be generated as well, where a predefined HTML template with placeholders within the document is taken and those placeholders are replaced with data coming out of a data source such as datab
Handle Refresh Token Using ASP.NET Core 2.0 And JSON Web Token
(Catcher Wong) In this article , you will learn how to deal with the refresh token when you use jwt (JSON Web Token) as your access_token.
Painlessly Migrating to Java Jigsaw Modules – a Case Study
(Trisha Gee) This article demonstrates a case study of the changes needed by a real application in order to make use of the new Java Platform Module System (JPMS).
(Sergi Ortiz Gomez) Something that is much missed on the web is the typical INPUT BOX to collect user data when you click on a button. For this JAVASCRIPT gives us the prompt () function but depending on the browser has a different format and we can not control anything about the window, position, s
Comparing Unsorted (Unordered) Whitespace in Different XML Files
(Krishantha Dinesh) Comparing XML files can be a nightmare, particularly where whitespace is concerned. Fortunately, there’s a free, open tool—XMLUnit—that can help.
How To Query The Entities In Dynamics CRM From ADX Portal Using JQuery
(Madhanmohan Devarajan) This article demonstrates how to query the entities in Dynamics CRM using jQuery call and OData feeds from ADX Portal.
Streaming Data with Fetch() and NDJSON
(David Walsh) Streams are trickling into the scene as we search for ways to improve performance. What if instead of waiting for our entire ajax response to complete, we could start showing the data as it arrives?
Show Hide Grid Content using Server side(.Net) and Client side(JQuery)
(vinodkumarnie) GridView is powerful control in ASP.NET where we can have other controls inside it and also we can have GridView inside GridView. This article tells about how to access controls and events inside GridView.
Java Command-Line Interfaces (Part 1): Apache Commons CLI
(Dustin Marx) Although I typically use Groovy to write JVM-hosted scripts to be run from the command-line, there are times when I need to parse command-line parameters in Java applications and there is a plethora of libraries available for Java developers to use to parse command-line parameters.
TC39, ECMAScript, and the Future of JavaScript
(Nicolás Bevacqua) TC39 means Technical Committee number 39. It’s part of ECMA, the institution which standardizes the JavaScript language under the “ECMAScript” specification.