(David Farkas) Nowadays, the Cloud is increasingly part of the life of all programmers, as most applications are dealing with or running on the internet. Microsoft Azure is one of these Cloud platforms.
Binding Java Script Event To ASP.NET Control In C#
(Santhosh Kumar) This blogs helps you to understand the concept of Binding Java Script event to Asp.net control in C#. Binding javascript event to an asp.net control in code behild (C#) code is follows,
Getting Started with Workbox: JavaScript Libraries for your next Progressive Web App
(Dean Hume) When it comes to building Progressive Web Apps, my favourite library has to be the Service Worker toolbox. I’ve previously written about this great library and how it can make life a lot easier for developers by removing boilerplate code and using proven caching strategies that help you
Angular JS CRUD Application with ASP.NET Webforms
(Srinivasan Sankaranarayanan) After hours of searching, I couldn’t find a simple CRUD application using Angular JS for ASP.NET Webforms. This application gives an insight into developing Single Page applications using Angular JS in ASP.NET.
How to Escape JSON String in Java – Eclipse IDE Tips
(Javin Paul) While working or JSON parsing in Java application it’s quite common to just copy paste a JSON String from some resources e.g. a RESTful web service and then use the Jackson library to parse the JSON.
ECMAScript5 Features – Strict Mode, JSON And More
(Arif Khoja) There are several other new features and APIs that need attention, as well, the largest of which are Strict Mode and native JSON support.
Java Command-Line Interfaces (Part 2): args4j
(Dustin Marx) In this post, we’ll take a look at parsing command-line arguments in Java applications using args4j.
Storing JSON Objects in BLOBS in Oracle
(JimS12) Sometimes, you’ll want to store an entire JSON object in the database for history purposes.
Web services in Java SE, Part 1
(Jeff Friesen) Java Standard Edition (SE) 6 included support for Web services. This post begins a four-part series on Web services in Java SE by explaining what Web services are and overviewing Java SE’s support for them.
Change SharePoint ListView To jQuery Datatable Using JSLink
(N Vinodh) JSLink is JavaScript link [ CSR – Client-side rendering]. This feature was introduced in SharePoint 2013 for customizing SharePoint list forms Newfrom, displayform, editform.