(Przemyslaw Magda) Optionals have proven so useful that some devs have taken them out of their native habitat. Here are anti-patterns and code smells to avoid.
Migrating complex JavaScript applications
(Jack Franklin) This blog post is a write up of a talk I’ve gave at Front Trends in Poland, May 2017. You can find the slides and video below, along with a full write up of the talk, if you’d rather read than watch.
Accessing XML Data From XML Document In C# Console Application
(Saravanan Ponnusamy) In this article, I am going to give you the best way to access XML data from an XML document and also how to find the common record node count.
Java Bean Validation Basics
(Michael Remijan) This post summarizes some quick and easy examples for the most common things you would want to do with the Java Beans Validation API (JSR 349, JSR 303). Remember, Beans Validation is independent of Java EE. Although it is built in as part of a Java EE compliant server, the API can
Gridview Paging with Number and Custom First and Last Button
(gaurav_rwt) In this post, I will explain the gridview paging technique that has numeric paging as default along with custom first and last page.
Exception-Free Code Using Functional Approach
(Pawe³ Szeliga) Read on to see a solution to the exceptions caused by functional programming with Java, and examples of how to implement it in your code.
Null Propagation Operator in JavaScript
(Nicolás Bevacqua) There’s a proposal in stage 1 for the Null Propagation operator. In this article we’ll take a look at the proposal, which offers an alternative to null checks ad nauseum.
How I Incorrectly Fetched JDBC ResultSets. Again.
(lukaseder) You know JDBC, right? It’s that really easy, concise API that we love to use to work with virtually any database, relational or not. It has essentially three types that you need to care about:
Parsing And Pretty-Printing JSON Values On-The-Fly In Loggly Using Bookmarklets
(Ben Nadel) In August, I’m helping to run an internal workshop on “Debugging With Logs”. In the presentation, one of my closing thoughts is that you – as a software engineer – can always make your logging tools better by injecting a little custom CSS or JavaScript.
Creating Plug-ins for Outlook: JavaScript Plug-in Example
(Dennis Turpitka) A great set of features, even by default, is what made Outlook a popular e-mail client and personal information management system. However, as with any business-focused applications, there is often a need for additional functionality.